Gulbenkian Commission on the Restructuring of the Social Sciences (COR)
Fagan, Sarah M. B.
[德]赫尔曼·西蒙(Hermann Simon)
[法] 巴尔扎克(Honore de Balzac)
Phil Jones
Rachel Louise Snyder
理查‧布洛克斯 Richard Brox
John Irving
Feynman, Richard P.; Leighton, Robert B.; Sands, Matthew
Philip Ball
Diana Athill
Charles Dickens
Kuan-Hsing Chen
A. A. Chernov
哈茨霍恩 (Hartshorne)
Harold Bloom
Marks, Andreas
Chris Clarke
Eric Widmaier
[法]米歇尔·福柯(Michel Foucault)
Hernandez-Rodriguez, R; Hernandez Rodriguez, Rafael; Hernandez-Rodriguez, Hernandez-Rodriguez
[美] Stephen J.Lippard
Lesley Chamberlain
[美]马歇尔•古德史密斯 (Marshall Goldsmith)
Viktoria Lyons
[美] 约翰·F. 韦克利(John F. Wakerly)
Nazri, Gholam-Abbas/ Pistoia, Gianfranco
Frederic Delavier
漢斯.德寇茲 Hans Decoz
Horvath, Z.; Palla, L.;
Peter D. Hoff
Charles M. C. Lee
Christopher Marley
Vernon L. Smith