

Ice cream as we recognize it today has been in existence for at least 300 years, though its origins probably go much further back in time. Though no one knows who invented ice cream. The first ice cream making machine was invented by Nancy Johnson, of Philadelphia, in the 1840s. The Science of Ice Cream begins with an introductory chapter on the history of ice cream. Subsequent chapters outline the physical chemistry underlying its manufacture, describe the ingredients and industrial production of ice cream and ice cream products respectively, detail the wide range of different physical and sensory techniques used to measure and assess ice cream, describe its microstructure (i.e. ice crystals, air bubbles, fat droplets and sugar solution), and how this relates to the physical properties and ultimately the texture that you experience when you eat it. Finally, some suggestions are provided for experiments relating to ice cream and ways to make ice cream at home or in a school laboratory. The Science of Ice Cream is ideal for undergraduate food science students as well as for people working in the ice cream industry. It is also accessible to the general reader who has studied science to A level and provides teachers with ideas for using ice cream to illustrate scientific principles.



  • 咖啡来了
    外国关于冰淇淋添加当中的科学 已经设备对于冰淇淋口感的影响 等等 没想到居然是本学术书 我知网随便查了一下 关于冰淇淋的文献还不少 食品科学的一类吧 开眼界了08-10

