
Kuan-Hsing Chen is a professor in the Institute for Social Research and Cultural Studies at Chiao Tung University in Taiwan. He has written and edited many books in Chinese. He is co-executive editor of the journal Inter-Asia Cultural Studies.


Centering his analysis in the dynamic forces of modern East Asian history, Kuan-Hsing Chen recasts cultural studies as a politically urgent global endeavor. He argues that the intellectual and subjective work of decolonization begun across East Asia after the Second World War was stalled by the cold war. At the same time, the work of deimperialization became impossible to imagine in imperial centers such as Japan and the United States. Chen contends that it is now necessary to resume those tasks, and that decolonization, deimperialization, and an intellectual undoing of the cold war must proceed simultaneously. Combining postcolonial studies, globalization studies, and the emerging field of “Asian studies in Asia,” he insists that those on both sides of the imperial divide must assess the conduct, motives, and consequences of imperial histories.

Chen is one of the most important intellectuals working in East Asia today; his writing has been influential in Taiwan, South Korea, Hong Kong, Japan, Singapore, and chinese mainland for the past fifteen years. As a founding member of the Inter-Asia Cultural Studies Society and its journal, he has helped to initiate change in the dynamics and intellectual orientation of the region, building a network that has facilitated inter-Asian connections. Asia as Method encapsulates Chen’s vision and activities within the increasingly “inter-referencing” East Asian intellectual community and charts necessary new directions for cultural studies.

Kuan-Hsing Chen is a professor in the Institute for Social Research and Cultural Studies at Chiao Tung University in Taiwan. He has written and edited many books in Chinese. He is co-executive editor of the journal Inter-Asia Cultural Studies.



  • Alan
    陈光兴是领衔台湾左翼批判界的知识分子,而此书也大致展现了他的批判视域与功力。台湾作为链接“中-日-美”问题的关键场域,又是“殖民-冷战-全球化”三重结构问题的层累之地,可以说为陈光兴提供了绝佳的理论发挥资源。他从批判台湾九十年代以来的“次帝国的民族-国家-资本联合机器”起步,抽丝剥茧,逐渐揭露出殖民和冷战时期的霸权结构如何在全球化语境中被中介、嫁接、投射,又点明台湾的本身复杂历史结构提供了怎样的政治上的限制,或者可能。最后一章Asia as Method试图做出“第三世界知识分子”在批判理论上摆脱“西方”的新努力,但在我看来仍是失败的。“西方”早已(被)不断地散播、延宕、内化、替代,“第三世界内部”的互相批判语境参考虽然极有意义,但无助于“摆脱西方”一说。10-27
  • 德令哈
  • 酸吗
    仔细读的当然是Asia as Method那章,将亚洲各文化互视作参照系,以此碎片化西方,最终实现对其解构。想法很impressive,虽然不太好操作。但最无语的是这本是我系core course上大家一起读的,竟然有人很认真的讨论了asia as method怎么运用于长安和奈良的比较,简直去历史化到吐血三升。明明是由于殖民冷战等现代经验才打开的参照可能啊....10-15
  • 零二
  • Connie Ka

