Nicoll, Leslie; Chute; Chute, Harvey
[英]布莱恩·考克斯(Brain Cox)
Janet W. Hardy
Mel Helitzer
The Secret Barrister
Eric J.Johnson
[澳] 萨拉·埃德尔曼
E.C. Diskin
[美] 瓦妮莎·博恩斯(Vanessa Bohns)
Jeff Schmidt
戴维·山利(David Shanley)
Bernd Heinrich
Laura Shin
Jonathan L. Howard
Roy F. Baumeister
James Heinzen
Richard Hartley
Gulbenkian Commission on the Restructuring of the Social Sciences (COR)
Fagan, Sarah M. B.
[德]赫尔曼·西蒙(Hermann Simon)
[法] 巴尔扎克(Honore de Balzac)
Phil Jones
Rachel Louise Snyder
理查‧布洛克斯 Richard Brox
John Irving
Feynman, Richard P.; Leighton, Robert B.; Sands, Matthew
Philip Ball
Diana Athill
Charles Dickens
Kuan-Hsing Chen
A. A. Chernov
哈茨霍恩 (Hartshorne)
Harold Bloom