
Pavel Tsatsouline is a former Soviet Special Forces physical training instructor, currently a Subject Matter Expert to elite US military and law enforcement special operations units.
Pavel introduced the Russian kettlebell to the West in 1998 and started the kettlebell revolution. Dr. Randall Strossen, one of the most respected names in the strength world, stated, "Pavel Tsatsouline will always reign as the modern king of kettlebells since it was he who popularized them to the point where you could almost found a country filled with his converts."
Pavel is the chairman of StrongFirst, Inc. In addition to the gold-standard kettlebell instructor certification StrongFirst.com offers user courses internationally in kettlebell, barbell, and bodyweight training.


Learn how to use the extreme hand-held gym from the source - the man who started the kettlebell revolution.

Simple & Sinister will prepare you for almost anything life could throw at you, from carrying a piano upstairs or holding your own in a street fight.

Simple & Sinister will forge a fighter's physique - because the form must follow the function.

Simple & Sinister will give you the strength, the stamina, and the suplness to play any sport recreationally - and play it well.

If you are a serious athlete, Simple & Sinister will serve as a perfect foundation for your sport-specific training.

If you are a serious lifter, Simple & Sinister will build your strength, rather than interfere with it.

Simple & Sinister will achieve all of the above while leaving you plenty of time and energy to do your duty, your job, practice your sport, and have a life.

Russian kettlebell power to you!

Pavel Tsatsouline is a former Soviet Special Forces physical training instructor, currently a Subject Matter Expert to elite US military and law enforcement special operations units.

Pavel introduced the Russian kettlebell to the West in 1998 and started the kettlebell revolution. Dr. Randall Strossen, one of the most respected names in the strength world, stated, "Pavel Tsatso...



  • 84
  • 糖醋白骨精
  • 无名的戈多
    学习技术动作还是看视频更直观一些 看书胜在更系统更全面地了解壶铃运动 尤其是训练计划 训练理念方面很有借鉴意义 如果说哑铃 杠铃是针对性的训练 那么壶铃则是综合性的训练 不过后者容错率更低 腰腹不收紧很容易闪腰 还有充分的热身冷身及组间休息也可以降低受伤风险 重量选择上 作者认为普通男性16kg起步 我自己有一定健身基础且常年跑步 去迪卡侬试了一下 最后选的是12kg的壶铃02-25
  • Spenser6B9
    32kg simple,48kg sinister.希望能练到sinister06-30
  • wilderbeast

