
James Herriot grew up in Glasgow and qualified as a veterinary surgeon at Glasgow Veterinary College. Shortly afterwards he took up a position as an assistant in a North Yorkshire practice where he remained, with the exception of his wartime service in the RAF, until his death in 1995. He wrote many books about Yorkshire country life, including some for children, but he is best known for his memoirs, beginning with If Only They Could Talk. The books were televised in the enormously popular series All Creatures Great and Small.


The highs and lows of being a vet in the Yorkshire Dales are perfectly captured in James Herriot's All Creatures Great and Small. This edition contains If Only They Could Talk and It Shouldn't Happen to a Vet.

James Herriot grew up in Glasgow and qualified as a veterinary surgeon at Glasgow Veterinary College. Shortly afterwards he took up a position as an assistant in a North Yorkshire practice where he remained, with the exception of his wartime service in the RAF, until his death in 1995. He wrote many books about Yorkshire country life, including some for children, but he is best...



  • 鸽轮布
    读到后来有点累了,不过前半部分还是十分enjoyable的!读之前要调一下自己的 “幽默接收器” 到英国人频道,不然还真接不住作者妙语连珠的吐槽。每一章都像是打开一颗新的糖果,一个接一个的故事讲述平凡又可爱的人和动物和生活,每读完一章都想安静地大笑!不过到后来的时候会觉得同质化的内容有些多,最后的15%我都有点啃不动了。如果接下来的几本都是同样的行文风格的话,真不知道还能不能继续读下去。 ps 作者真·典型英国人,整本书都散发着英国作家身上那种熟悉的 look how witty I am ! 的自恋气息~ 不过他还怪可爱的,所以读起来并不让人反感(^ー゜)07-09
  • 潇洒弗雷迪
  • 苍旻
  • Invisible_404
  • 木木桃

