
A murdered boy, a runaway husband, a family spinning out of control--Suzanne Berne's A Crime in the Neighborhood is no ordinary coming-of-age novel. The narrator of this dark tale of 1970s suburbia is 10-year-old Marsha, who lives with her mother and older twin siblings in a suburb of Washington, D.C. In the spring of 1972, a young boy is molested, murdered, and then dumped behind a shopping mall. That the child was not particularly likeable is just one of Berne's deviations from the expected, as clear-eyed Marsha recalls the boy's many character flaws, even as she relates the details of an undeniably horrifying crime. Though murder is the most visible crime in Marsha's neighborhood, it is by no means the only one; when Marsha's father and aunt run off together, their enormous betrayal sends Marsha's mother into a tailspin and Marsha into a strange dalliance with Mr. Green, the neighbor next door.

A Crime in the Neighborhood is a deft and provocative first novel that turns many of the coming-of-age conventions on their heads. There is nothing sepia-tinted about Marsha's recollections of her childhood--the lives of 10-year-olds are mired in the mistakes of adults and the cruelties of other children. The pitiless eye Marsha brings to bear on the friends, family, and acquaintances of her youth makes A Crime in the Neighborhood an unusual and worthwhile read.



  • 一个新的我自己
    开篇很有悬念,本以为是破案小说,但到最后也没人知道到底是谁杀了Boyed,中间很平淡,结尾有些许感人,特别是Marsha对于“诬告”了邻居大叔的反省和愧疚以及Marsha多年后和当年出轨抛妻弃子的爸爸的对话,能感觉到作者塑造的一个没有爸爸陪伴保护的小女孩,因为社区一个男孩被奸杀却怎么都找不到凶手,每天都生活在恐惧中那种脆弱和无助,多年后她质问父亲为的是想得到一个关于爱的承诺,但爸爸却遮遮掩掩推卸责任到妈妈身上,Marsha却始终都没能弥补了心里的饥荒。总体来说这本书不是我的菜。(BTW看完这本书很想抱一抱我的爸爸,爸爸真的是我和妈妈的iron man, 我小时候很长一段时间也在一个不太平,发生过几次“凶杀案”的社区住过,但好在爸爸的呵护帮我避免掉了很多伤害。)02-18
  • SashaCosmos
    This is everything. 我太喜欢这本书了,录了专门讲它的视频!01-16
  • 咕噜咕噜咕噜

