

Min Jin Lee (born 1968) is a Korean American writer whose work frequently deals with Korean American topics.[1] She is the author of the novels Free Food for Millionaires (2007) and Pachinko (2017). Her debut novel, Free Food for Millionaires, was one of the "Top 10 Novels of the Year" for The Times (London), NPR's Fresh A ir, and USA Today. Her short fiction has been featured on NPR's Selected Shorts. Her writings have appeared in Condé Nast Traveler, The Times (London), Vogue, Travel+Leisure, Wall Street Journal, New York Times Magazine, and Food & Wine. Her essays and literary criticism have been anthologized widely. She served as a columnist for the Chosun Ilbo, the leading paper of South Korea. She lives in New York with her family.


In the early 1900s, teenaged Sunja, the adored daughter of a crippled fisherman, falls for a wealthy stranger at the seashore near her home in Korea. He promises her the world, but when she discovers she is pregnant-and that her lover is married-she refuses to be bought. Instead, she accepts an offer of marriage from a gentle, sickly minister passing through on his way to Japan. But her decision to abandon her home, and to reject her son's powerful father, sets off a dramatic saga that will echo down through the generations.

Richly told and profoundly moving, Pachinko is a story of love, sacrifice, ambition, and loyalty. From bustling street markets to the halls of Japan's finest universities to the pachinko parlors of the criminal underworld, Lee's complex and passionate characters-strong, stubborn women, devoted sisters and sons, fathers shaken by moral crisis-survive and thrive against the indifferent arc of history.

Min Jin Lee (born 1968) is a Korean American writer whose work frequently deals with Korean American topics.[1] She is the author of the novels Free Food for Millionaires (2007) and Pachinko (2017). Her debut novel, Free Food for Millionaires, was one of the "Top 10 Novels of the Year" for The Times (London), NPR's Fresh A ir, and USA Today. Her short fiction has been featured ...



  • Meng™
    A real page-turner!很久没读到让人这么酣畅的小说,讲述四代朝鲜移民在日本社会艰难生存的家族传奇故事,时间线跨越近一个世纪。李敏锦没有花太多笔墨在时代背景,却通过非常踏实甚至亲密的人物描写带出战争和殖民对人性的摧残,和对种族、性别和移民的深刻影响,历史学和法学背景深厚功底可见一斑,也与她自己同样身为移民不无关系。虽然是英文写就,但扑面而来的是东亚独特的文化和人物性格,因为常看日韩剧而学到的词汇也在读这本书时派上了用场。读完才理解了开篇引用的托尔斯泰: History has failed us, but no matter. 10-11
  • 乐小乐乐乐
  • 花椰菜
    也许是个不恰当的比喻。如果Yaa Gyasi的Homegoing和Kristin Hannah的The Nightingale生了个宝宝,Pachinko可能就是这个宝宝。Pachinko讲述了四代韩裔家庭从二战到80年代末在日本的生活。故事里有历史和文化,宗教和信仰,也有家庭和飘荡。这还是一个关于女性的故事,讲着女性不同身份角色的变化, 也讲着女性的苦难、坚韧和脆弱。Jesa和扫墓的片段,那些长年累月的坚持和重复,让我想到自己的母亲。看这本书的时候,我一直单曲循环着毛不易的给你给我。意外的合适。“给你我义无反顾的长长和久久/给我你多年以后仍握紧的手” “History has failed us, but no matter.”12-05
  • BloomD
    只要国家的概念还存在 移民就永远是局外人 不管生活怎样富足丰满 仍是在异乡的家乡流浪 所爱的所想要摆脱的都跟随你一生 爱你的试图向世界说明你的真相 而异族人选择视而不见10-02
  • Live-in-amy
    history told by minor characters…11-29

