
There are two sides to every story: yours and mine, ours and theirs, His & Hers. Which means someone is always lying.

Anna Andrews finally has what she wants. Almost. She’s worked hard to become the main TV presenter of the BBC’s lunchtime news, putting work before friends, family, and her now ex-husband. So, when someone threatens to take her dream job away, she’ll do almost anything to keep it.

When asked to cover a murder in Blackdown―the sleepy countryside village where she grew up―Anna is reluctant to go. But when the victim turns out to be one of her childhood friends, she can’t leave. It soon becomes clear that Anna isn’t just covering the story, she’s at the heart of it.

DCI Jack Harper left London for a reason, but never thought he’d end up working in a place like Blackdown. When the body of a young woman is discovered, Jack decides not to tell anyone that he knew the victim, until he begins to realise he is a suspect in his own murder investigation.

One of them knows more than they are letting on. Someone isn’t telling the truth. Alternating between Anna's and Jack's points of view, His & Hers is a fast-paced, complex, and dark puzzle that will keep readers guessing until the very end.



  • 不吃西瓜
  • symnz
  • J
  • 背着虚包回家去
    If you pay enough attention, you will notice quite many important details at the very beginning that help you build up your own line of reasoning. Alice Feeney的又一本叙诡作品。她的作者性很强,但这既是优点也是缺点:叙述者的口吻太雷同——无论是不同作品之间,还是这本书里的Anna和Jack(只看说话口气)。Alice也善于把cliche的大道理装点成“金句”,乍一看醍醐灌顶,看第二眼只觉得有凑字数嫌疑(笑。不过好在Alice的文字特别好读,故事也算精彩。虽然跳不出一些既定框架,但读下来还是有蛮多惊喜的。08-10
  • Oh! Claire

