
EllIOT ARONSON is a Lecturer at the University of California, Santa Cruz. He is one of the world's most distinguished and versatile social psychologists.


"Social Animal" is an accessible, brief introduction to social psychology. This new edition contains vivid narrative, lively presentations of critical research and examples, all incorporating the most important new research. New topics for this edition include a social psychological analysis of what might have been going on in the minds of the September 11th terrorists, new research on catharsis and aggression, the phenomenon of benevolent sexism, and how eyewitness identification can be influenced by police interrogators. A supplementary instructor's resources and a test bank are available, as well as a companion website (which is new to accompany this ninth edition) including a virtual study guide.

EllIOT ARONSON is a Lecturer at the University of California, Santa Cruz. He is one of the world's most distinguished and versatile social psychologists.



  • 2024好运一点
    先是看了作者的自传,然后找到了这本书的资源。用了两个月细读了这本书,整理了几十页的笔记。它正在,也将会对我产生巨大的影响。个人很喜欢书中关于cognitive dissonance, self-justification等概念的论述,整个阅读过程于我而言也是一个self-exploring的过程。作者说,写这本书的初衷是"help you improve your ability to think scientifically about things that are happening in your own social world". 嗯,能力有在提高了!日后还要好好反刍记下的笔记,用心❤️生活,认识自己,认识他人。04-02
  • Lien
    Thebest book for people who are interested in social psychology.07-26

