欲罢不能抓耳挠腮猜凶手的阅读体验,果然没猜到凶手/ Teenagers are capable of committing evil things/“When we are young, we think we know more than we do. When we are old, we think we know less. ”/The lies we tell ourselves are always the most dangerous/We stretch the stories to fit our own desired narratives, presenting a prettier picture for those around us.05-12
If you pay enough attention, you will notice quite many important details at the very beginning that help you build up your own line of reasoning. Alice Feeney的又一本叙诡作品。她的作者性很强,但这既是优点也是缺点:叙述者的口吻太雷同——无论是不同作品之间,还是这本书里的Anna和Jack(只看说话口气)。Alice也善于把cliche的大道理装点成“金句”,乍一看醍醐灌顶,看第二眼只觉得有凑字数嫌疑(笑。不过好在Alice的文字特别好读,故事也算精彩。虽然跳不出一些既定框架,但读下来还是有蛮多惊喜的。08-10