
Anthony Kronman is Sterling Professor of Law and a former dean at Yale Law School. He is the author of Confessions of a Born-Again Pagan and Education's End: Why Our Colleges and Universities Have Given Up on the Meaning of Life. He lives on Block Island, RI.


Many people of faith believe the meaning of life depends on our connection to an eternal order of some kind. Atheists deride this belief as a childish superstition.

In this wise and profound book, Anthony Kronman offers an alternative to these two entrenched positions, arguing that neither addresses the complexities of the human condition. We can never reach God, as religion promises, but cannot give up the longing to do so either. We are condemned by our nature to set goals we can neither abandon nor fulfill, yet paradoxically are able to approach more closely if we try. The human condition is one of inevitable disappointment tempered by moments of joy.

Resolutely humanistic and theologically inspired, this moving book offers a rational path to the love of God amidst the disenchantments of our time.

Anthony Kronman is Sterling Professor of Law and a former dean at Yale Law School. He is the author of Confessions of a Born-Again Pagan and Education's End: Why Our Colleges and Universities Have Given Up on the Meaning of Life. He lives on Block Island, RI.



  • Penthesileia
    标题有点误导了。本以为是:不信神之后,会出现觉醒、失望、永恒、喜悦。实际上是:不信神之后,觉得能自己觉醒?没戏!觉得自己能不失望了?不失望就是反人类!不信神意味着不相信永恒?不相信永恒就是反人类,是人就做不到!此外,不信神,就彻底没喜悦可言了。结论:还得各回各家,各找各妈,亚伯拉罕不管哪一派,信一派就好… 概括得有些糙了.. 但… 至少给我感觉,作者差不多这个意思吧05-25

