Barry H. Kantowitz
Gonzalo Camarillo
Lorenzo Robbiano
Lindgren, Astrid/ Glanzman, Louis S. (ILT)
Gilles Deleuze
讓.洛培茲Jean Lopez
[斯洛文尼亚] 斯拉沃热·齐泽克(Slavoj Žižek)
Michael C. Horowitz
Francesco Boldizzoni
Jurczenko, Emmanuel/ Maillet, Bertrand
Emilie Zum Brunn
J. Michael Fitzpatrick
Darley, John M. (EDT)/ Zanna, Mark P. (EDT)/ Roediger, Henry L. (EDT)/ American Psychological Association (COR)
[美]Ellis Horowitz 霍罗维兹
Dan Zahavi
Paul Nation and Fidel Cruz
Paul Nation and Fidel Cruz
Fidel Cruz,Paul Nation
Paul Nation and Fidel Cruz
Paul Nation and Fidel Cruz
Xudong Zhang
Jeff Z. Pan (Editor)
[荷兰]诺伦·格尔茨(Nolen Gertz)
Slavoj Žižek
谢尔顿 (Barrie Shelton)
Marcos López de Prado
O'Leary, Zina
阿尔贝托﹒洛力(Alberto Lolli)
Paul G. Stoltz
Zoe Diana Draelos
Remzi H Arpaci-Dusseau
Barton Weitz
Tshilidzi Marwala
[美] 菲利普·津巴多(Philip Zimbardo)