
Gilles Deleuze (1925-1995) and Félix Guattari (1930-1992) also coauthored Anti-Oedipus and Kafka: Toward a Theory of Minor Literature. Among Deleuze’s other books are Essays Critical and Clinical, Foucault, The Fold: Leibniz and the Baroque, Cinema 1: The Movement-Image, and Cinema 2: The Time-Image. All of these works are available from the University of Minnesota Press.


A Thousand Plateaus continues the work Gilles Deleuze and Félix Guattari began in Anti-Oedipus and has now become established as one of the classic studies of the development of critical theory in the late twentieth century. It occupies an important place at the center of the debate reassessing the works of Freud and Marx, advancing an approach that is neither Freudian nor Marxist but which learns from both to find an entirely new and radical path. It presents an attempt to pioneer a variety of social and psychological analyses free of the philosophical encumbrances criticized by postmodern writers. A Thousand Plateaus is an essential text for feminists, literary theorists, social scientists, philosophers, and others interested in the problems of contemporary Western culture.

Gilles Deleuze (1925-1995) and Félix Guattari (1930-1992) also coauthored Anti-Oedipus and Kafka: Toward a Theory of Minor Literature. Among Deleuze’s other books are Essays Critical and Clinical, Foucault, The Fold: Leibniz and the Baroque, Cinema 1: The Movement-Image, and Cinema 2: The Time-Image. All of these works are available from the University of Minnesota Press.



  • Eco
    关于affect的讨论,集中于p256-p260. 第10章<1730: becoming-intense; becoming-animal; becoming-imperceptible>04-01
  • 刘北托
    这是第五遍读。我现在才意识到这本书不论从设计,concepts的使用,选的例子,还是文学风格上,都完全的超越了一本书本来的限度。D&G 想法太超前了(或者说太untimely了)。尤其是在读完Difference and Repetition,Logic of Sense,Anti-Oedipus之后,你会看到这几本书互相之间的干扰,污染,和共生。书是一种机器。The next century is still Deleuzean。01-24
  • 空城
    Carefully crafted. That is how they do philosophy - by creation of a series of interrelated concepts. 终于。看完了。祭最后一个词:Mechanosphere。12-21
  • 泠箖
  • Viraganio

