Elizabeth Pantley
[加]加博尔·马泰(Gabor Maté)
[英]布莱恩·考克斯(Brain Cox)
Steven Bartlett
Olive Ann Burns
The Secret Barrister
Edward A. Bender
[美] Kyle Banker
[美] 瓦妮莎·博恩斯(Vanessa Bohns)
Orly Lobel
Bernd Heinrich
Brian Cowan
Roy F. Baumeister
Eric Berne
Barbara Bregstein
Gulbenkian Commission on the Restructuring of the Social Sciences (COR)
Fagan, Sarah M. B.
Mary Buffett
[法] 巴尔扎克(Honore de Balzac)
理查‧布洛克斯 Richard Brox
Feynman, Richard P.; Leighton, Robert B.; Sands, Matthew
Philip Ball
[美] 加·泽文(Gabrielle Zevin)
耶里谢欧. 阿尔贝多
Harold Bloom
Dimitri P. Bertsekas
[美] Stephen J.Lippard
Lesley Chamberlain
Nazri, Gholam-Abbas/ Pistoia, Gianfranco
Elliott Liebow
László Lovász