
This is not a book about business strategy. Strategy changes like the seasons.

This is a book about something much more permanent.

At the very heart of all the success and failure I’ve been exposed to – both my own entrepreneurial journey and through the thousands of interviews I’ve conducted on my podcast – are a set of principles that can stand the test of time, apply to any industry, and be used by anyone who is search of building something great or becoming someone great.

These are the fundamental laws that will ensure excellence.

They are rooted in psychology and behavioral science, are based on the wisdom of tens of thousands of people I’ve surveyed across every continent and age group, and of course, drawn from the conversations I’ve had on my chart-topping podcast with the world’s most successful people.

These laws will work now or in 100 years from now. Are you ready to get started?



  • 姜小白
    虽然大家日常讽刺Jay Shetty,但实话讲think like a monk不算烂书,至少做到了及格。忍着不适读到"law 15"然后跳着翻了翻后面18条的观点(第一段),东抄一段西拈一行的感觉,除非是二十来岁的读者看还能挑观点受下启发,自吹自擂有点儿过头了。观点都不是自己提炼的,举例论证的过程从第一章Elon Musk开始都是编撰的例子,Mark Manson是采访过的嘉宾其书的销量都能用错,太油腻了。唯一的优点是书里提到的几本书以及脑神经学的研究者都很不错,拓展书单用,the Influential Mind我会找了读一下。网红出书,挑对出版商太重要了,有厉害的编辑团队才不浪费独特的经历跟影响力。对这本书感兴趣的人推荐读下the Unfair Advantage,好的年轻创业者视角。11-29
  • Terry

