
Leslie Brubaker is Professor of Byzantine Art and Director of the Centre for Byzantine, Ottoman and Modern Greek Studies at the University of Birmingham, UK. She is the author of Vision and Meaning in Ninth-century Byzantium (1999), co-editor of Gender and the Transformation of the Roman World, 300-900 (2003) and Byzantium in the Iconoclast Era c. 680-850: a history (2011).


Byzantine 'iconoclasm' is famous and has influenced iconoclast movements from the English Reformation and French Revolution to Taliban, but it has also been woefully misunderstood: this book shows how and why the debate about images was more complicated, and more interesting, than it has been presented in the past. It explores how icons came to be so important, who opposed them, and how the debate about images played itself out over the years between c. 680 and 850. Many widely accepted assumptions about 'iconoclasm' - that it was an imperial initiative that resulted in widespread destruction of images, that the major promoters of icon veneration were monks, and that the era was one of cultural stagnation - are shown to be incorrect. Instead, the years of the image debates saw technological advances and intellectual shifts that, coupled with a growing economy, concluded with the emergence of medieval Byzantium as a strong and stable empire.

Leslie Brubaker is Professor of Byzantine Art and Director of the Centre for Byzantine, Ottoman and Modern Greek Studies at the University of Birmingham, UK. She is the author of Vision and Meaning in Ninth-century Byzantium (1999), co-editor of Gender and the Transformation of the Roman World, 300-900 (2003) and Byzantium in the Iconoclast Era c. 680-850: a history (2011).



  • Vinterfrost.
    写Apologia的参考资料,作者试图挖掘出Iconoclasm和Iconoclasts对于拜占庭帝国稳定和城市建设的贡献,以及探索second iconoclasm出现的政治学原因。重点读有关Theophilos的部分。11-22
  • Kdn
  • Frankus
    相当不错的关于圣像破坏运动的著作,或许能在相当程度上改变我们对圣像破坏运动的印象。作者试图证明圣像破坏运动的重要性和“影响”多为后世圣像崇拜派重构以及夸大的,而真正的Isurian Dynasty时代的资料则并不支持Theophanes等人的记载。对照利奥三世本人主持编纂的Ἐκλογή来看,在很大程度上确实可以得到这个结论。02-05

