
Heather Sutherland is a retired professor, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam.


The eastern archipelagos stretch from Mindanao and Sulu in the north to Bali in the southwest and New Guinea in the southeast. Many of their inhabitants are regarded as “people without history”, while colonial borders cut across shared underlying patterns. Yet many of these societies were linked to trans-oceanic trading systems for millennia. Indeed, some of the world’s most prized commodities once came from territories which were either “stateless” or under the very tenuous control of loosely structured polities. Although individual regimes sought to control traffic, exchange between trans-regional or even trans-oceanic shippers and local communities was often direct, without mediation by overarching authorities.

In Seaways and Gatekeepers, trade provides the integrating framework for local and regional histories that cover more than 300 years, from the late 16th century to the beginning of the 20th, when new technologies and changing markets signaled Western dominance. The introduction considers theories from the social sciences and economics which can help liberate writers from dependence on states as narrative frameworks. Southeast Asian specialists can learn from this book, which ignores conventional geographic and temporal boundaries. It will also appeal to those working on wider themes such as global history, state formation, the evolution of markets and anthropology.

Heather Sutherland is a retired professor, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam.



  • 蕉下鹿
    Nusantara东部贸易网络的小百科全书。只有贸易史,其他啥都没有,信息百分之百来源自西方文献。跟简介相反,本书是纯历史,没有一分一毫的social sciences,避雷区到cynical的程度,读起来一半时候过瘾一半时候又觉得确实太过老气。老太太八十多了吧??把能做的做到极致也是真功夫08-20

