
Gene Yang began drawing comic books in the fifth grade. In 1997, he received the Xeric Grant, a prestigious comics industry grant, for Gordon Yamamoto and the King of the Geeks, his first comics work as an adult. He has since written and drawn a number of titles, including Duncan's Kingdom (with art by Derek Kirk Kim) and The Rosary Comic Book. American Born Chinese received National Book Award.
He lives in the San Francisco Bay Area with his lovely wife and children and teaches at a Roman Catholic high school.


From American Born Chinese author Gene Luen Yang: an innovative look at China's Boxer Rebellion told from two points of view, in two companion volumes. China, 1898. Bands of foreign missionaries and soldiers roam the countryside, bullying and robbing Chinese peasants. Little Bao has had enough. Harnessing the powers of ancient Chinese gods, he recruits an army of Boxers - commoners trained in kung fu who fight to free China from "foreign devils." But nothing is simple. Little Bao is fighting for the glory of China, but at what cost? So many are dying, including thousands of Chinese citizens who have converted to Christianity.

Gene Yang began drawing comic books in the fifth grade. In 1997, he received the Xeric Grant, a prestigious comics industry grant, for Gordon Yamamoto and the King of the Geeks, his first comics work as an adult. He has since written and drawn a number of titles, including Duncan's Kingdom (with art by Derek Kirk Kim) and The Rosary Comic Book. American Born Chinese received Na...



  • 饼干
    很惊艳,之前两本American Born Chinese和Saints在奇幻与现实之间搭建联系时显得有点儿牵强,或者说在中国人看来有点儿脱线。但这一本完美得将历史和传奇结合起来,回味无穷。02-03
  • IronMick-tt8
    微妙的感觉。虽然想说杨谨伦的叙事套路还蛮强大的,但作为历史小说来说,一些细节的背景调查不够严谨呢。仅举一例,主人公村里有一人叫Kwan Yu,他自家大哥神化时是Guan Yu,微妙啊微妙。11-11
  • 值得表扬
    再接再厉啊Gene Luen Yang!08-29
  • 人在鹭洲
    跟着女儿学习近代史之三。作者杨谨伦对义和团运动的兴趣,起源于2000年教皇若望保禄二世对120位中国圣徒的册封,其中大部分是在义和团运动中丧生的基督徒。得益于华人二代移民和天主教徒的双重身份,杨能够从拳民和教徒双方截然不同的视角,讲述同一个故事,这点十分可贵,也是这本书和孪生作Saints最吸引人的地方。和Saints相比,这本篇幅要长不少,也更精彩一些。用作者本人的话说,拳民们所经历的,本身就是一个epic journey,而教徒们的故事,则偏静态和internal。12-08
  • 欲买桂花同载酒

