

在线阅读《Redefining Global Strategy》

Why do so many global strategies fail - despite companies' powerful brands and other border-crossing advantages? Seduced by market size, the illusion of a borderless, "flat" world, and the allure of similarities, firms launch one-size-fits-all strategies. But cross-border differences are larger than we often assume, explains Pankaj Ghemawat in "Redefining Global Strategy". Most economic activity - including direct investment, tourism, and communication - happens locally, not internationally. In this "semiglobalized" world, one-size-fits-all strategies don't stand a chance. Companies must instead reckon with cross-border differences.Ghemawat shows you how - by providing tools for: assessing the cultural, administrative, geographic, and economic differences between countries at the industry level and deciding which ones merit attention. Tracking the implications of particular border-crossing moves for your company's ability to create value. Creating superior performance with strategies optimized for adaptation (adjusting to differences), aggregation (overcoming differences), and arbitrage (exploiting differences), and for compound objectives. In-depth examples reveal how companies such as Cemex, Toyota, Procter & Gamble, Tata Consultancy Services, IBM, and GE Healthcare have adroitly managed cross-border differences - as well as how other well-known companies have failed at this challenge. Crucial for any business competing across borders, this book will transform the way you approach global strategy.





  • 周天蓝
    最近有非常多关于“去全球化”的讨论,我决定重读这本我往日的教科书,再次读完之后深切感受到为何美国最好的全球化MBA项目之一的学校会选择它做教材?确实精彩!通过这本书,你会理解印度裔美国人中的精英分子为何能立足于跨国企业管理高层,同时也会赞叹于他们思维的深度和系统性。当然,你也会品尝到印度裔教授冗长的表达方式。 希望中国的职业经理人能了解其中奥妙,希望有更多的中国人能立足全球化企业的高层。05-18

