
Spellbinding--soaring theater--. For reasons that remain mysterious, it seems especially moving today.-- The New York Times

Eugene O'Neill mined the tragedies of his own life for this depiction of a seedy, skid row saloon in 1912, peopled by society's failures: worn-out anarchists, failed con artists, drifters, whores, pimps, and informers. The pipe-dreaming drunks of Harry Hope's bar numb themselves with rotgut gin and make grandiose plans, while waiting for the annual appearance of the big-spending, fast-talking salesman, Hickey. But this year's visit fails to bring the expected good times, as a changed Hickey tries to rouse the barflies from their soothing stupor with a proselytizing message of salvation through self-knowledge.

Considered by many to be the Nobel Prize-winning playwright's finest work, The Iceman Cometh exposes the human need for illusion as an antidote to despair. The recent gripping, critically acclaimed Broadway production, starring Kevin Spacey, has highlighted anew the subversive genius of O'Neill's play.



  • 玉儿
  • Decem
    我读过最黑暗的文学作品,真的是难过冰冷刺骨,感觉是一群将死之人最后的叹息和互相讽刺,我们所有人都有pipe dream,这个梦想可能是你对于美好前途的向往,有时候你觉得你看透了pipe dream或许你只是在掩盖你的一种愧疚,如果你连掩盖都没有的话或许你已经在期待死亡了…只有醉酒才能忘掉这一切…(PS欧尼尔描写力太强了,人物描写寥寥几笔就让人印象深刻“tiredly tolerant""English as Yorkshire pudding")02-05
  • 南宫云
  • brennteiskalt
  • 咖喱酱
    美国戏剧史的承上启下之作。来来去去回响的关键词,如pipe dream的破灭,turn over a new leaf的不可能。禁酒令的历史语境。无政府主义运动思潮。07-26

