
"In a place where time is running out, sometimes the most radical act is remembrance. Hong Kong has long been known as a city of extremes: a former colony of the United Kingdom that today exists at the margins of an authoritarian, ascendant China; a cityrocked by mass protests, where residents take to the streets to rally against encroaching threats on their democracy and freedoms. But it is also misunderstood and often romanticized, its history and politics oversimplified in Western headlines. Drawing richly from her own experience, as well as countless interviews with the artists, protestors, students, and writers who have made Hong Kong their home, journalist Karen Cheung gives us an insider's view of this remarkable city, making the case along the way that we should look to Hong Kong as a warning sign for what lies ahead for other global democracies. Coming of age in the wake of Hong Kong's reunification with China in 1997, Cheung traverses the multifold identities available to her in childhood and beyond, whether that was at her English-speaking international schools, where her classmates were often the children of diplomats or corporate officers, or within her deeply traditional family. Along the way, Cheung gives a personal account of what it's like to seek out affordable housing and mental healthcare in one of the world's most expensive cities. She also takes us into Hong Kong's vibrant indie music and literary scenes--youth-driven spaces of creative resistance. Inevitably, Cheung brings us withher to the protests, where her understanding of what it means to belong to Hong Kong finally crystallized"--

Weaving together memoir, cultural criticism and reportage, and drawing from her own experiences as well as the experiences of others, a journalist gives us an insiders view of Hong Kong at a critical moment in history both for this city and democracies around the world.



  • 姜小白
    只要读下《乡土中国》,就能明白我们这代人即便是搬到城市里,依然是过的乡土生活(生活方式与个人价值追求)。可从二代开始,就要面对migrant的identity认同,作者妈妈是武汉人,爸爸自深圳,复杂的原生家庭,抑郁寻求专业帮助有个医生劝告她“好好学习,长大孝顺父母”,何其讽刺。writer boyfriend不能理解她,为什么非要梦想买个房子,武汉人,深圳人,香港人,二代要应对这个身份认同的问题,连我们在工作地没房子,日常描述自己回家,回住处,回老家,细微处跟她有相同的体会。比着成长环境写教育,比着mental health写公共医疗,Language traitors写的最好(特别理解她拧巴的地方)。希望女孩们能慢慢挣脱开filial,爱与尊重才是亲子关系的真正维系。02-06
  • clover
  • with
  • duysuy
  • Östrom
    很典型的香港人对于protest包括national security law的想法,作者是上过international school和public school的人,所以对香港社会有更多面的体察,而且可以感受到作者真的很真诚,将自己的心理感受还有depression剖开来写,文笔也很好,其中提到的很多地方给我带来很多熟悉感,而且不仅仅是politics,对于香港独立文学和音乐的体察描写也很深刻,香港社会的矛盾性,土地问题体现的很淋漓07-27

