
William Zinsser has been a mentor for countless people who want to write with clarity and confidence. His eighteen books include the classic On Writing Well, which has sold almost 1.5 million copies. He now teaches at the New School and at the Columbia Graduate School of Journalism.


"On Writing Well" has been praised for its sound advice, its clarity and the warmth of its style. It is a book for everybody who wants to learn how to write or who needs to do some writing to get through the day, as almost everybody does in the age of e-mail and the Internet.

Whether you want to write about people or places, science and technology, business, sports, the arts or about yourself in the increasingly popular memoir genre, "On Writing Well" offers you fundamental priciples as well as the insights of a distinguished writer and teacher. With more than a million copies sold, this volume has stood the test of time and remains a valuable resource for writers and would-be writers.

William Zinsser has been a mentor for countless people who want to write with clarity and confidence. His eighteen books include the classic On Writing Well, which has sold almost 1.5 million copies. He now teaches at the New School and at the Columbia Graduate School of Journalism.



  • 琴酒
    虽然跟我寻找的academic writing并无半毛联系,但是中箭中到体无完肤之后深受启发。最深的一点在于,自信的作者要敢于用绝对的方式——砍掉形容词,副词,时间状语等种种限定——清晰地说出“我”。03-18
  • 大炎
    # kindle # 趁春节这几天啃掉,很多看法与寡人相似,有机会瞧瞧中译本(译本必然不如原作,老先生特别强调韵律,写完文章还要大声朗读,语感不顺就调正,再有如 Venice-Versailles 押“头韵”的小心思,翻过来肯定没了)…前两部分是精华,第三部分略枯淡,第四部分稍有重复训导…写作要明确目标→读者,但出发点是“我”,要写“我”的故事、发现等…如何“沟通”这两端?讲求“人”味,“人”味通行天下,必能感动读者…如何有“人”味?废弃抽象语汇,使用带画面感词句…而且炼字之外,造句谋篇布局皆须用心,文章层层递进,教人割舍不能…全篇须韵律谐和,轻松风趣(专门花好大一篇讲《幽默》)…可以用本书抗议官僚八股,想想国朝那些丑陋的公文…《尽力写好》一章火气好大,老先生恨死乱改他文章的编辑了,哈哈02-26
  • yihan爱书橱
  • 十甫寸草民
  • vieplivee

