
Ressourcement: A Movement for Renewal in Twentieth-Century Catholic Theology provides both a historical and a theological analysis of the achievements of the renowned generation of theologians whose influence pervaded French theology and society in the period 1930 to 1960, and beyond. It considers how the principal exponents of ressourcement, leading Dominicans and Jesuits of the faculties of Le Saulchoir (Paris) and Lyon-Fourviere, inspired a renaissance in twentieth-century Catholic theology and initiated a movement for renewal that contributed to the reforms of the Second Vatican Council. The book assesses the origins and historical development of the biblical, liturgical, and patristic ressourcement in France, Germany, and Belgium, and offers fresh insights into the thought of the movement's leading scholars. It analyses the fierce controversies that erupted within the Jesuit and Dominican orders and between leading ressourcement theologians and the Vatican. The volume also contributes to the elucidation of the complex question of terminology, the interpretation of which still engenders controversy in discussions of ressourcement and nouvelle theologie. It concludes with reflections on how the most important movement in twentieth-century Roman Catholic theology continues to impact on contemporary society and on Catholic and Protestant theological enquiry in the new millennium.



  • 海上心史
    非常精彩的一部论文集~最早知道这批人,是十几年前看金主教的牧函,慢慢开始对所谓新神学开始感兴趣,几乎所有重要人物和议题在文集中都有讨论,文笔也极为清晰。读完后感觉,都是返本开新之路,但似乎这个根基在欧洲体现得更为明晰。若论文明延续性,欧西诸国实在不亚于此处。特别是Chenu、Congar和de Lubac,真的是读书极多而又笔力雄健,远非今日教会学者所能比拟。而今教会之乱象,根子在伦理乱了,神学的乱也就“自然而然”了。那个时代的思想,恐怕还要四五十年才能看出最终的走向和力量来。用金主教的话说,就只能“伏求圣神降临”了。08-29

