

PHLIP HOUSTON, a twenty-five-year veteran of the Central Intelligence Agency and a recipient of the Career Intelligence Medal, is a nationally recognized authority on deception detection, critical interviewing, and elicitation. He has conducted thousands of interviews and interrogations for the CIA and other federal agencies, and is credited with developing a detection of deception methodology currently employed throughout the U.S. intelligence and federal law enforcement communities.
MICHAEL FLOYD is a leading authority on interviewing, detection of deception, and elicitation in cases involving criminal activity, personnel screening, and national security issues. In a career spanning more than thirty-five years, he has served in both the CIA and the National Security Agency, and has conducted high-profile interviews and interrogations for law enforcement agencies, law firms, and private industry.
SUSAN CARNICERO, a former security officer with the CIA specializing in national security, employment, and criminal issues, is an eminent authority on interviewing, detection of deception, and elicitation. Trained as a forensic psychologist, she is the developer of a behavioral screening program used extensively in both the public and private sectors, and is currently involved in conducting high-level screening interviews within the U.S. government.
PETER ROMARY, an internationally recognized attorney who has worked for government and private sector clients worldwide. He is an expert in detection of deception, interviewing, elicitation, negotiation, and risk management and in applying the techniques in law, business, and negotiation.
DON TENNANT, the writer, is a former National Security Agency analyst and business/technology journalist. As editor in chief of Computerworld, he won a variety of national journalism awards.


Getting someone to tell the truth is an essential skill that very few people possess. In the boardroom, classroom, or our own homes, every day we interact with others and try to get the truth from them.

People are often untruthful out of fear of negative consequences associated with divulging information. But if a person is made to forget the long-term outcomes of lying, he or ...



  • 十號風球
    relationship building; short-term thinking; transition monologue; bait and presumptive questions; remain in control; CYA01-23
  • Glovesun
    Nobody deserve to live in the fake news with polical propaganda. 05-19
  • 凌晨五点的世界
  • 金鱼
    总结不打,不骂,不批评。理解,称赞,同理心,连审讯都有"自由"的气息。相比国内同类书籍,更透明,更专业,但确实有部分内容无法应用于国内环境。虽书中宣扬依法讯问,不知道讯问specific identity时会采取何种方法。11-02

