
Kieran Setiya is a professor of philosophy at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and the author of Midlife: A Philosophical Guide. His writing has appeared in the Los Angeles Review of Books, The Times Literary Supplement (London), the London Review of Books, The New York Times, Aeon, and The Yale Review.


A philosophical guide to facing life’s inevitable hardships.

There is no cure for the human condition: life is hard. But Kieran Setiya believes philosophy can help. He offers us a map for navigating rough terrain, from personal trauma to the injustice and absurdity of the world.

In this profound and personal book, Setiya shows how the tools of philosophy can help us find our way. Drawing on ancient and modern philosophy as well as fiction, history, memoir, film, comedy, social science, and stories from Setiya’s own experience, Life Is Hard is a book for this moment—a work of solace and compassion.

Warm, accessible, and good-humored, this book is about making the best of a bad lot. It offers guidance for coping with pain and making new friends, for grieving the lost and failing with grace, for confronting injustice and searching for meaning in life. Countering pop psychologists and online influencers who admonish us to “find our bliss” and “live our best lives,” Setiya acknowledges that the best is often out of reach. Instead, he asks how we can weather life’s adversities, finding hope and living well when life is hard.

Kieran Setiya is a professor of philosophy at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and the author of Midlife: A Philosophical Guide. His writing has appeared in the Los Angeles Review of Books, The Times Literary Supplement (London), the London Review of Books, The New York Times, Aeon, and The Yale Review.



  • 初繁言
    支持塞老师!鸡精味没那么重的鸡汤,第四章开炮life as narrative view打得好。直觉上第七章on hope, 直接去lang/action/epistemology里找或许有更剔透的解读。10-15
  • 当时环佩留清响
  • 迷信鉴定员小谈
    if your life is hard, thinking about philosophical questions only makes it harder, stupid10-10
  • Serendipity
    面对人类的苦难,“有效利他主义”(Effective Altruism)可能是一种更可取更令人满意的回应,这是一场在过去十年中极具影响力的哲学运动。它鼓励追随者——包括亿万富翁——将其收入的很大一部分捐赠给“重要但被忽视”的事业,例如在发展中国家对抗疾病。据一项估计显示,有效利他主义者目前每年可以筹集4.2亿美元杨提出了“结构性不公正”(structural injustice)的概念,即不公正并非局限于不公正的态度或行动,而是以相互作用的方式出现的,并提出了一种新的责任模式。有效利他主义者对待所有人的需求都是一样的,但我们对一些人比其他人更应负责。举一个例子:虽然因美国的种族主义历史来批评当今的美国人是不公正的,但他们总是和维持其种族主义遗产的制度关系密切。12-18
  • #Ecotopia島民#
    chapter loneliness不錯,其他一般02-16

