“Philosophy was, for me, an escape from ordinary life.” ”Bereavement, cancer, chronic pain: they change the way you see the world.”10-10
Lepus Viator
掺鸡汤的哲普散文,主题在于“人艰但拆”——人生虽会遭遇诸多困境但还是要face the truth。acknowledge the hardship, take courage to hold possibilities, and finally, take action to make a difference. 归根结底哲学并不能help you out… 上半年正好听过Setiya讲loneliness的播客,话题角度确实很有趣。但本书行文和讨论着实没有给我太大启发,毕竟本身也不是严肃学术文本,就absurdity和hope话题而言还不如两年前读的post-modernity有意思……10-10
This book contains things you already know and meanwhile you don’t know. It connects scattered thoughts, winds through dilemmas, and offers a little comfort. So it’s not deep-one might even call it the soup of chicken-unlike Johnathan Lear’s monographs I guess. But it’s warm, emphatic, and solacing, unlike the latter which is gloomy, fraying, and…04-09
“Motive should never be in the fruits of actions.” By focusing on the process instead of the result, we can protect ourselves from the hardship of failure.01-15