Private investigator John Blacksad is up to his feline ears in mystery, digging into the backstories behind murders, child abductions, and nuclear secrets. Guarnido's sumptuously painted pages and rich cinematic style bring the world of 1950s America to vibrant life, with Canales weaving in fascinating tales of conspiracy, racial tension, and the 'red scare' Communist witch hunts of the time. Guarnido reinvents anthropomorphism in these pages, and industry colleagues no less than Will Eisner, Jim Steranko, and Tim Sale are fans! Whether John Blacksad is falling for dangerous women or getting beaten to within an inch of his life, his stories are, simply put, unforgettable.
编剧:胡安·迪亚兹·卡纳莱斯(Juan Díaz Canales),童年时代即对动漫表现出浓厚的兴趣。18岁那年进入动画学校学习。1996年,跟另外三名艺术家一道创立了三叉戟动画公司(Tridente Animation),跟多家欧美公司合作,为漫画、动画电影等提供脚本。
绘画:胡安霍·瓜尔尼多(Juanjo Guarnido),毕业于西班牙格拉纳达艺术学院。曾为漫威制作漫画。1990年搬到马德里市,并结识卡纳莱斯。1993年赴巴黎迪士尼法国分公司就职。瓜尔尼多擅长绘制猫科动物角色。他参与过迪士尼多部动画长片的角色绘制,包括《钟楼怪人》(1996)、《大力士》(1997)、《亚特兰蒂斯:失落的帝国》(2001),并任《人猿泰山》(1999)动画电影中“花豹”(Sabor)一角戏份的首席动画师。