- 书名
JavaScript入门经典 第7版
- 作者菲尔·巴拉德(Phil Ballard)
- 格式PDF
- ISBN书号9787115509383
- 出版年2019-5-1
- 出版社人民邮电出版社
- 页数319
- 定价69.00元
- 装帧平装
- 标签 工业技术
《JavaScript入门经典 第7版》主要介绍JavaScript现有的主要特性,涵盖了JavaScript基础知识、编程方法、对象、HTML5和CSS3、JavaScript库、代码调试等内容。全书分为六个部分(包括24章和一个附录),从基本概念入手,逐步引申到按照当今Web标准编写JavaScript代码的方式,非常利于初学者学习参考。
Phil Ballard, the author of several books, graduated in 1980 with an honors degree in electronics from the University of Leeds, England. Following an early career as a research scientist with a major multinational, he spent a few years in commercial and managerial roles within the high technology sector, later working full time as a software engineering consultant.
菲尔·巴拉德(Phil ...