Jack Reacher, alone, strolling nowhere. A Chicago street in bright sunshine. A young woman, struggling on crutches. He offers her a steadying arm. And turns to see a handgun aimed at his stomach. Chained in a dark van racing across America, Reacher doesn't know why they've been kidnapped. The woman claims to be FBI. She's certainly tough enough. But at their remote destination, will raw courage be enough to overcome the hopeless odds?
李·恰尔德,声名如日中天的硬派惊悚小说大师。一九五四年出生于英国,与《魔戒》的作者托尔金读同一所高中,拿同样的奖学金。从法律系毕业后,他曾在一家英国电视公司担任主持人和导演。年届不惑之时他忽然失业,酷爱阅读的他花六块美金买来纸笔,开始动笔写第一本小说,也就是“杰克·雷切尔系列”的首曲——《杀戮之地》。《Die Trying. Lee Child》一出版即登上英国《泰晤士报》的畅销书排行榜,在美国赢得推理小说最高殊荣之一的安东尼奖,以及马瑞奖的“最佳处女作奖”,而次年出版的第二集《博命一击》亦荣获W.H.史密斯好读奖。