

Research shows that by focusing their diet on 8 critical, nutrient-rich Superfoods - and eating as they normally would, but only within an 8-hour window each day - readers really can eat whatever they want, while losing weight faster than they ever imagined. The timing mechanism is such that it will reset a dieter's metabolism so that he or she can enter fat-burning mode first thing in the morning - and stay there all day long. In the book, readers will additionally find motivating strategies, cheating tips for those days when an 8-hour schedule is impossible, a sample eating plan, delicious recipes (of course, rich in Superfoods), an eight-minute daily workout routine to maximize calorie burn, and a bonus workout for those looking not only to lose weight but also to tone their bodies. "The 8-Hour Diet" promises to strip away unwanted pounds, and to give readers the focus and willpower they need to reach all of their goals for weight loss (and otherwise).



  • Oliver
    断断续续把这书看完,作者的探究精神值得尊敬,干货是有的,但不必要的文字太多,通篇看下来,推荐只看 Chapter 1,5,8,10 整本书介绍的是关于一种8小时进食法,也叫“间隔禁食法”(intermittent fasting)又称16:8进食法,主要观点是说由于现代电灯等照明科技的出现,人类在晚上也能够像白天一样无障碍的生活,所以饮食时间被大大加长,之前的健康饮食所关注的是我们是不是吃错东西,所以肥胖难以控制,但书本的观点是重点不在我们吃了什么,而是我们花多长时间来吃。 比较吸引我的观点有: 1. 自由基的产生和肌肉的流失是人体衰老的标志 2. 第一餐和最后一餐的时间控制在8小时内,期间可以“随便吃” 3. 这种饮食法通过增强自身代谢能力(率)来燃烧脂肪,因此还能预防疾病10-22

