In this text, Bruce Chatwin writes of his father, of his friend Howard Hodgkin, and of his talks with Andre Malraux and Nadezhda Mandelstram. He also follows unholy grails on his travels, such as the rumour of a "wolf-boy" in India, or the idea of looking for a Yeti.
布鲁斯·查特文,是一个传奇式的人物。1940年出生于英国谢菲尔德(Sheffield),曾是苏富比最年轻的董事之一,后来辞去工作开始旅行。1972年,任职于《星期日时报》(The Sunday Times),三年后又突然离职,远走世界的尽头——巴塔哥尼亚,这趟长达六个月的自我放逐之旅,让查特文完成了他的第一部作品——《巴塔哥尼亚高原上》。《What Am I Doing Here》出版至今受到无数读者喜爱,其独特的写作风格,更获得英国“豪森登奖”(Hawthornden Prize)及美国“佛斯特奖”(E. M. Forster Award of the American Academy of Arts and Letters)等文学大奖的肯定。 查特文于一九八九年一月去世,短短十余年间,他陆续完成的作品包括小说、散文、旅行文学及摄影集等,其中较知名的包括:曾进入一九八八年“布克奖”决选名...