
"An Inspector Calls", first produced in 1946 when society was undergoing sweeping transformations, has recently enjoyed an enormously successful revival. While holding its audience with the gripping tension of a detective thriller, it is also a philosophical play about social conscience and the crumbling of middle class values. "Time and the Conways" and "I Have Been Here Before" belong to Priestley's 'time'plays, in which he explores the idea of precognition and pits fate against free will. "The Linden Tree" also challenges preconceived ideas of history when Professor Linden comes into conflict with his family about how life should be lived after the war.



  • 歪脖树独木
    an inspector calls看完一身寒意,但我最喜欢的时第一个剧本:time and the Conways,有种憋屈想哭哭不出来的矫情感08-05
  • 苇间疯
    “在这个世界上,我们并非独自生活,而是对彼此都负有责任。如果人类学不会这一点,那么很快能教给他这些的就只有烈火、鲜血和痛苦。”J.B. Priestley这部写于70多年前的剧本依然振聋发聩。不少所谓的先锋戏剧徒具形式,魂魄尽失,行尸走肉而已。05-07
  • 早睡大王
    IB English B HL. moral挺好,plot也算精巧,但还是浅显了点儿,轻轻一钻研就没东西可挖了,批判资本主义而已06-23

