
How does the image of the succubus relate to psychoanalytic thought? Masculine Shame: From Succubus to the Eternal Feminine explores the idea that the image of the succubus, a demonic female creature said to emasculate men and murder mothers and infants, has been created out of the masculine projection of shame and looks at how the transformation of this image can be traced through Western history, mythology, and Judeo-Christian literature. Divided into three parts areas of discussion include: the birth of civilization and the evolution of the succubus the image of the succubus in the writings of Freud and Jung the succubus as child killing mother to the restoration of the eternal feminine. Through a process of detailed cultural and social analysis, the author places the image of the succubus at the very heart of psychoanalytic thought, highlighting its presence in both Freud's Medusa and Jung's visions of Salome. As such, this book will be of great interest to all those in the fields of analytical psychotherapy and psychoanalysis.



  • 我魔法少女呢
    西方魅魔的构建是从“眼睛”和”羞耻 “建构的 这本书倒是完全从精分出发从主体的自我建构来构建魅魔的形象(作为对自己无能为力的全能的一种投射,是邪恶的他者) 最后反对了一种权力的建构 要求肯定自己的羞耻(无能) 走向宽恕 但是我实在觉得这个问题实在太古老了 问题是在这个时代 魅魔已经从”恶“之中走出了(应该说从二战后就开始) 从而走向了”媚“的问题 如果说直面魅魔就意味着能够反对男权制 这是不准确的 ”媚“恰好意味着一种对于女性的全新的男权制的建构(我想甚至不如将魅魔激进化造成的反对更大)“媚”意味着一种全新的投射 一种后父权制下的女性建构 这显然比以往的魅魔更加隐秘 我们就算能和古代“恶”的莉莉丝和解 我们又如何与美少女魅魔和解呢?08-31

