
Beloved MIT professor Walter Lewin, whose riveting physics lectures have made him a YouTube super-star, offers a mind-opening and delightful journey through the most intriguing discoveries in physics. A wonderful raconteur, Lewin takes readers on a marvellous journey with him in For the Love of Physics, opening our eyes as never before to the amazing beauty and power of all that physics can reveal to us. He describes the coolest, weirdest facets of the tiniest bits of matter, the wonders of our everyday lives-such as the mysteries of why lighting strikes and what makes musical harmony happen-and the most awesome features of the outer reaches of the universe. Whether explaining why the air smells so fresh after a lightning storm or showing us that a flea is strong enough to pull a heavy book across a table, Lewin always entertains as he edifies. For the Love of Physics is a rare gem that will change the way readers see the world.

沃尔特·卢因(Walter Lewin)是成就卓著的天体物理学家、X射线天文学的先驱,发表过450余篇科学论文。卢因在麻省理工学院执教三个物理学核心课程已超过30年。他讲授的课程非常受欢迎,这些讲课录像已成为YouTube和iTunes上最受欢迎的教学内容。他获得过包括美国航空航天局特殊科学成就奖、亚历山大·冯·洪堡奖等多个奖项。他的讲课生动幽默,富有娱乐性和启发性,受到了如《纽约时报》《波士顿环球报》《国际先驱论坛报》等诸多媒体的好评。



  • 书中自有颜如玉
    MIT Video on Youtube09-22
  • 密码有误
    读第三遍啦~上课推荐给学生~2020/11 更新:读第四遍啦(因为之前那本送学生了哈哈哈哈08-28
  • 皓皓
    Interesting for those physics major or not.12-31
  • @2019-10-16 09:09:2412-20

