
CHARLES YU is the author of three books, including the novel How to Live Safely in a Science Fictional Universe, which was a New York Times Notable Book and named one of the best books of the year by Time magazine. He received the National Book Foundation’s 5 Under 35 Award, and was nominated for two WGA awards for his work on the HBO series, Westworld. He has also written for shows on FX, AMC and HBO. His fiction and non-fiction have appeared in a number of publications including The New Yorker, The New York Times, The Wall Street Journal, Slate and Wired. His next novel, INTERIOR CHINATOWN, will be published by Pantheon in January 2020.


From the infinitely inventive author of How to Live Safely in a Science Fictional Universe comes a deeply personal novel about race, pop culture, immigration, assimilation, and escaping the roles we are forced to play.

Willis Wu doesn't perceive himself as a protagonist even in his own life: he's merely Generic Asian Man. Every day, he leaves his tiny room in a Chinatown SRO and enters the Golden Palace restaurant, where Black and White, a procedural cop show, is in perpetual production. He's a bit player here too. . . but he dreams of being Kung Fu Guy—the highest aspiration he can imagine for a Chinatown denizen. Or is it?

After stumbling into the spotlight, Willis finds himself launched into a wider world than he's ever known, discovering not only the secret history of Chinatown, but the buried legacy of his own family, and what that means for him, in today's America.

Playful but heartfelt, a send-up of Hollywood tropes and Asian stereotypes—Interior Chinatown is Charles Yu's most moving, daring, and masterful novel yet.

CHARLES YU is the author of three books, including the novel How to Live Safely in a Science Fictional Universe, which was a New York Times Notable Book and named one of the best books of the year by Time magazine. He received the National Book Foundation’s 5 Under 35 Award, and was nominated for two WGA awards for his work on the HBO series, Westworld. He has also written for ...



  • 庄常飞
    想了下还是三星吧。伪剧本很有趣、作者文笔也好,但是:1 感觉作者对老一代的经历和感受都没什么认知,基本靠YY;2 作者内心的呐喊、后半部分剧情、结尾才是真·generic; 3 一边抱怨所有人把他们当做generic Asian一边把明明很多元化的Asian American都group在一起感觉就很违和。PS:作者本人经历神奇帅气11-16
  • Eudaimonia
    几周前听完的。伪剧本和主角一直出戏独白的写法很魔幻,Generic Asian Man/Kung Fu Guy和整个performing Asianness的视角都有点心酸,是个很有趣的尝试。09-03
  • untamedheart
    这本给我带来的震撼一点不少于minor feelings。以第一人称的视角写一个在出生和成长在三番chinatown 廉租房的华男,他从小的理想是当功夫明星,但却永远被安排扮演generic Asian guy。前1/3写中国城人和物幽默犀利,中间1/3 写自己父母屈辱的经历intense and profound,看的我昨晚睡前唏嘘不已,满脑子回荡着”we are trapped “ 睡过去。最后1/3 紧张激昂,trapped 也竟然真的成了关键词,还好结尾并不灰暗。最近看的这本和white frugality 虽然差异很大,但都在某时刻让人看到一些人性或人生本质,于是豁然开朗。都特别好。09-05
  • starry
    恭喜Charles Yu 得National Book Award! 11-23
  • 值得表扬
    一部美国华人血泪史 用非常特别的方法叙述出来03-18

