
Capturing the extravagance of the controversial film, this lavishly illustrated photography/film book brilliantly displays the erotically-charged steamy drama of the sex-soaked world of Las Vegas lap dancing, strip clubs, and top-of-the-line topless showgirl revues. Set against the bright lights, glitz, and glamour of the Las Vegas stage, Showgirls is an erotic, exotic, and often gritty expose of life behind the scenes on the strip. Here are portfolios of four distinguished photographers who were invited to the production of this film to capture the glittery world of Las Vegas sex, glamour and spectacle. The more than seventy powerful images--with over fifty in vibrant full-color, the others in rich, quadratone black-and-white--are introduced by the director's candid essay about the artists, and his own approach to moviemaking. 96 photos: 65 color plates, 35 quadratone.



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    “Censorship is a sign of a society’s weakness.” 赏心悦目的摄影集,最爱Douglas Kirkland拍摄的Goddess主题,充分展现人体美,以及Mary Ellen Mark拍摄的Cheetah主题人像照,简单直白与片中的场景对比鲜明。Bonus point是导演Verhoeven的创作意图小论文,夸张艳俗不过是一层外衣。08-20
  • 大尐潔

