
Two decades in the making, this long-awaited work from one of the world's most respected scientists presents a series of dramatic discoveries never before made public. Starting from a collection of simple computer experiments--illustrated in the book by striking computer graphics--Wolfram shows how their unexpected results force a whole new way of looking at the operation of our universe.

Wolfram uses his approach to tackle a remarkable array of fundamental problems in science: from the origin of the Second Law of Thermodynamics to the development of complexity in biology, the computational limitations of mathematics, the possibility of a truly fundamental theory of physics, and the interplay between free will and determinism.

Written with exceptional clarity and illustrated by more than a thousand original pictures, this seminal book allows scientists and nonscientists alike to participate in what promises to be a major intellectual revolution.



  • 陈陈
  • 修理工
  • Nicole
    不懂 真的没懂 turing machine那部分简直天书12-21
  • ZjU3MmVmYmZiO
    最开始介绍了诸如Celluar automata,mobile automata, Turing machine, register machine等自动化系统,通过大量举例想说明几个重要点:简单可以产生复杂,离散下的现象在连续情况下依旧存在。后面还重新定义了随机,甚至Mathematica中的Random方法就是通过Rule30产生。剩下的部分就是用Cellular automata去类比数学系统、物理系统中的现象,以此来说明它们之间等价的可能性。最后讨论了介绍的自动系统之间的等价性,以及计算的等价性。前面还好,还能跟上,从中间开始就崩溃了,太笨了。Wolfram通过大量实验来介绍他所谓的New Kind of Science,貌似不太入很多人的法眼啊。12-31
  • Miao

