
Simon Sebag Montefiore read history at Cambridge University. His books have been published in more than thirty-five languages. Potemkin: Catherine the Great’s Imperial Partner was short-listed for the Samuel Johnson, Duff Cooper and Marsh Biography prizes in Britain. Stalin: The Court of the Red Tsar was awarded the History Book of the Year Prize at the British Book Awards. Young Stalin won the Los Angeles Times Book Prize for Biography, the Costa Biography Award (U.K.), le Grand Prix de la biographie politique (France) and the Bruno Kreisky Prize for Political Literature (Austria). A Fellow of the Royal Society of Literature, Montefiore lives in London with his wife, the novelist Santa Montefiore, and their two children.


Jerusalem is the universal city, the capital of two peoples, the shrine of three faiths; it is the prize of empires, the site of Judgement Day and the battlefield of today’s clash of civilizations. From King David to Barack Obama, from the birth of Judaism, Christianity and Islam to the Israel-Palestine conflict, this is the epic history of three thousand years of faith, slaughter, fanaticism and coexistence.



  • Sebastian
  • 爱思狸
    1. 开始还没有感觉,比较中立客观;看到后面,尤其近代开始,就很明显是犹太人写的。 2. 看的英文为主,中文为辅。译后记才发现是多人合译,难怪有些地方Nablus翻译成那不勒斯(囧),有些地方是纳布卢斯。 3. 看书之前,必须看一遍地图。 4. 书写的很好06-19
  • 小飞侠6414
    邂逅:2016.1.图书馆;旅程:2016.3.10.-2016.4.16.;地点:坡;虽然很厚,但每章都很简短,读来也就不那么吃力。头一次了解罗马帝国时代耶路撒冷和罗马,基督教与犹太教的相爱相杀。但毕竟要讲三千年的历史,感觉历史纵深与每一个切面的细致展开是一个trade off。我的阅读体验也就在冗繁无聊与刺激有料间徘徊。04-16
  • 半山石榴
    跳读,“ Well, if I cannot read a book, I will write one” 作者道,配合bbc the holy city 服用,疗效好。# 然而还是得去看点小清新无脑韩剧来缓缓压12-12
  • follett
    刚到手,不知道怎样。封面大大的写着, national bestseller... 还好吧,畅销书都一个样。05-18

