弗雷德里克·诺伊豪瑟 (Frederick Neuhouser)
Nicoll, Leslie; Chute; Chute, Harvey
Torsten Dennin
[英]布莱恩·考克斯(Brain Cox)
Artur Ejsmont
Carlos Castaneda
Olive Ann Burns
Jason Mazzone
Eric J.Johnson
E.C. Diskin
[美] 瓦妮莎·博恩斯(Vanessa Bohns)
Orly Lobel
Carole Jackson
Brian Cowan
Jonathan L. Howard
Roy F. Baumeister
Andrii Sergiienko
Gulbenkian Commission on the Restructuring of the Social Sciences (COR)
[德]赫尔曼·西蒙(Hermann Simon)
[法] 巴尔扎克(Honore de Balzac)
Phil Jones
Rachel Louise Snyder
Alex Comfort
理查‧布洛克斯 Richard Brox
Joyce Carol Oates
John Irving
Feynman, Richard P.; Leighton, Robert B.; Sands, Matthew
Peter Tyson
J. Dieudonné
A. A. Chernov
哈茨霍恩 (Hartshorne)
Geoffrey K. Vallis
Alan Sangster
耶里谢欧. 阿尔贝多
Harold Bloom