
Evan Thompson is professor of philosophy at the University of British Columbia and a fellow of the Royal Society of Canada. He is the author of Waking, Dreaming, Being: Self and Consciousness in Neuroscience, Meditation, and Philosophy, among other books.


Buddhism has become a uniquely favored religion in our modern age. A burgeoning number of books extol the scientifically proven benefits of meditation and mindfulness for everything ranging from business to romance. There are conferences, courses, and celebrities promoting the notion that Buddhism is spirituality for the rational; compatible with cutting-edge science; indeed, “a science of the mind.” In this provocative book, Evan Thompson argues that this representation of Buddhism is false.

In lucid and entertaining prose, Thompson dives deep into both Western and Buddhist philosophy to explain how the goals of science and religion are fundamentally different. Efforts to seek their unification are wrongheaded and promote mistaken ideas of both. He suggests cosmopolitanism instead, a worldview with deep roots in both Eastern and Western traditions. Smart, sympathetic, and intellectually ambitious, this book is a must-read for anyone interested in Buddhism’s place in our world today.

Evan Thompson is professor of philosophy at the University of British Columbia and a fellow of the Royal Society of Canada. He is the author of Waking, Dreaming, Being: Self and Consciousness in Neuroscience, Meditation, and Philosophy, among other books.



  • Dhamma Geek
    主题是对魔改佛教(buddhist modernism)的开炮。我太喜欢第四章(对mindfulness科研的批判)和第五章(对enlightenment和liberation的定义)了,开了一摞书单回去。为什么我写毕业论文的时候这本书没出版呢嘤嘤嘤,用4E理论来理解注意力训练和禅修,这么骚的课题谁不想做啊!!!我导做梦都会笑醒(不会02-10
  • 闭关中
  • 好运零食克星
    对Buddhist Modernism批判一番。find it dull and repetitive when reading the philosophic arguments, but the debunking of evolutionary psychology (which constantly appears as a pseudo-scientific explanation of human behavior in media) and the 4E cognitive science are informative for a lay person and once "spiritual" Buddhist modernist like me :(02-20
  • 治感冒不吃药
    As a layman in both philosophy and buddhism, I find some chapters difficult. But I like how the author lays out his arguments in "Is buddhism true?" and "mindfulness mania". I myself have been considering some of the issues for some time, but could never think them through like the author does.03-11
  • 米克米粒

