
  • sakana
    提前读的reading 估计还得回头读几遍抠抠细节写essay 本书对于佛教哲学的很多中心问题进行了有见解的简单论述 考虑到作者的写作目标,这种写作风格是很恰当的,但对于没过多哲学文本积累的读着而言会产生阅读障碍。08-19
  • epiphany
    Ok I understand your very justified criticisms on Buddhism modernism but please do not interpret Goenkaji’s words out-of-context and mislead unenlightened minds (me included).06-15
  • 元非
  • 子叛
  • 米克米粒
  • 治感冒不吃药
    As a layman in both philosophy and buddhism, I find some chapters difficult. But I like how the author lays out his arguments in "Is buddhism true?" and "mindfulness mania". I myself have been considering some of the issues for some time, but could never think them through like the author does.03-11
  • 好运零食克星
    对Buddhist Modernism批判一番。find it dull and repetitive when reading the philosophic arguments, but the debunking of evolutionary psychology (which constantly appears as a pseudo-scientific explanation of human behavior in media) and the 4E cognitive science are informative for a lay person and once "spiritual" Buddhist modernist like me :(02-20
  • 闭关中
  • Dhamma Geek
    主题是对魔改佛教(buddhist modernism)的开炮。我太喜欢第四章(对mindfulness科研的批判)和第五章(对enlightenment和liberation的定义)了,开了一摞书单回去。为什么我写毕业论文的时候这本书没出版呢嘤嘤嘤,用4E理论来理解注意力训练和禅修,这么骚的课题谁不想做啊!!!我导做梦都会笑醒(不会02-10