Bringing his twin gifts of scientific speculation and scathing satire to bear on that hapless planet, Earth, Lem sends his unlucky cosmonaut, Ijon Tichy, to the Eighth Futurological Congress. Caught up in local revolution, Tichy is shot and so critically wounded that he is flashfrozen to await a future cure. Translated by Michael Kandel.
✍斯坦尼斯瓦夫•莱姆(1921—2006),波兰著名作家、哲学家。当过汽车技工,终获医学博士学位,创立波兰宇航协会。代表作有《索拉里斯星》《未来学大会》《惨败》等。作品多聚焦哲学主题,探讨科技对人类的影响、智慧的本质、外星交流,以及人类认知的局限等。1996年被授予波兰国 家奖章“白鹰勋章”,波兰第一颗人造卫星以他的名字命名。