
Sally Thorne is the USA Today bestselling author of the office rom-com The Hating Game (2016). It is her debut novel that has sold in over twenty-five countries and is being made into a major motion picture, to be directed by Romy and Michelle’s High School Reunion and The Simpsons Movie director David Mirkin. It was named in the top 20 romance novels of 2016 by the Washington Post and was a top ten finalist in the Goodreads Choice Awards romance category. The Hating Game has been cited as a book that has reinvigorated the romantic comedy genre.
Sally’s much anticipated second novel, 99 Percent Mine, was released on 29 January 2019 by William Morrow Books and debuted at #37 on the USA Today Bestseller List.
Sally is writing two more books for William Morrow, and is currently drafting her third book.
Sally lives in Canberra, Australia, with her husband Roland- plus a pug called Delia and a horse called Louie.


Lucy Hutton and Joshua Templeman hate each other. Not dislike. Not begrudgingly tolerate. Hate. And they have no problem displaying their feelings through a series of ritualistic passive aggressive maneuvers as they sit across from each other, executive assistants to co-CEOs of a publishing company. Lucy can’t understand Joshua’s joyless, uptight, meticulous approach to his job. Joshua is clearly baffled by Lucy’s overly bright clothes, quirkiness, and Pollyanna attitude.



  • 光.
    Very chicklit and steamy.. 老套的故事但是看完很爽 忍不住一天看完12-28
  • yum
  • FreedomArcher
    凭心而论,前20章写的还行,两个人之间的对话、互动挺有意思的,能感觉到sexual intension。但后面8章简直就是浪费我的时间,xing描写感觉很怪异啊,不知道的以为我在看erotic novel,但人家写也比这个作者好啊。不知道是不是我英文水平的问题,有些用词和表达感觉不太对劲。如果作者在前面能多花些笔墨写清楚女主为什么hate男主,多列举出两人发生冲突的事件,后面的激情部分就会显得比较合理。两人在一起后,都坦白说自己第一见面就爱上了,额,我真是老了,这种一见钟情的桥段我怎么一点感觉都没有。对此,我只能说作者完全在意淫,但意淫也要把事情交待清楚,铺垫工作要做踏实啊。还有一点就是两人在出版公司上班,为什么全程都没怎么写出版社那些事呢?03-20
  • NoNo
    毫无逻辑的羞耻play我却看的津津有味 就是后半总体没前半引人入胜是因为sex scene莫名诡异么 全书高光时刻大概是女主为男主猛呛他爹 燃!07-17
  • 小小小小小怪兽

