
Dr. Richard Jacob holds a PhD in Asian Economic Psychology from East Somerville University, where he was an instructor until 2003. He lives in Sherman, Connecticut, where he runs an e-commerce consulting business out of a spare bedroom in his home. Rev. Owen Thomas is an ordained Catholic priest, counselor, and celebrated crime novel author. His acclaimed series of Frank Stryver thrillers has sold nearly 43,000 copies to date, and one of these novels (Megapsycho) was translated into Korean. He lives in Cambridge, Massachusetts, and Miami Beach.


For generations, conventional wisdom stated that you could never sell a book with 'penis' in the title - until Quirk's "Penis Pokey" shattered all of the rules, racking up 100,000 in net sales in just 18 months. In this same tradition comes "How to Live with a Huge Penis" - a gift every man will cherish, regardless of whether or not he actually needs it. Frankly, it's enough for someone to think he needs it. This hilarious self-help parody is full of compassionate advice for men afflicted with Oversized Male Genitalia (OMG).Far too often, these men are banished to the fringes of society, victims of their own freakish length and girth. But Dr. Richard Jacob and Rev. Owen Thomas are here with a message of tolerance and hope, along with hilarious advice on 'coming out' to your family, sharing your assets with a partner, and avoiding injury in the workplace. Complete with a daily affirmations journal and inspiring quotes from leading self-help experts, "How to Live with a Huge Penis" will send an uplifting message to men around the world.

Dr. Richard Jacob holds a PhD in Asian Economic Psychology from East Somerville University, where he was an instructor until 2003. He lives in Sherman, Connecticut, where he runs an e-commerce consulting business out of a spare bedroom in his home. Rev. Owen Thomas is an ordained Catholic priest, counselor, and celebrated crime novel author. His acclaimed series of Frank Stryve...



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  • 老廣特級黑面神
    上次有這種懵○體驗的還是看《How Not to Be A Dick》那年,在機場帶著獵奇的心態買的書,這次我又幹了同一件事。非常薄的一本書(83页),言辭很誠懇和caring,但是我還是搞不清楚這是不是在黑,不過說的那些大雕之困境好像又是可以理解的,例如看個醫生會被其他假裝是助手的醫生同事們排隊觀摩,約會的關鍵節點把女伴嚇慘了,或者是交合的建議是越快越好,還寫去縮小然後說疤痕對於女性來說反而很好接受,畢竟這好比是螺紋…越是這麼認真,越覺得是在瞎說,對不起!我還是不爭氣地笑了!04-30
  • 阿米多特.
    case study估計都是編的吧,從第一章說有OMG的著名男性開始就感覺事情不對,查證了一下,愛因斯坦沒有OMG,‘boner’一詞也不是從拿破崙的family name中來的。寫得是真的有意思,但也衹能是這本書唯一的亮點了。02-26

