
Alex Gurevich is the founder and Chief Investment Officer of HonTe. After earning a PhD in mathematics from the University of Chicago, he leveraged his passion for strategic gaming into a lucrative Wall Street career.
He was hailed by the Wall Street Journal in 2003 as the star trader of J.P. Morgan, where he served as Managing Director in charge of global macro trading. The author of The Next Perfect Trade, Alex Gurevich led HonTe's macro strategy in 2020 to rank second by net return according to BarclayHedge—and in the top ten of emerging managers in all strategies by Eurekahedge.


Have you ever wondered what happens in the command control of a global macro hedge fund when US stock markets plunge 35 percent in just three weeks? Welcome to the mind of Alex Gurevich, Founder and CIO of HonTe Investments.

As tragic events unfolded around the world, the pandemic ruptured the sequence of price action and devoured financial markets like a black hole. Through Gurevich’s personal narrative and the team’s actual Slack messages, The Trades of March 2020 follows their frenetic efforts to survive the crisis.

From the first terrifying days of loss, both personal and professional, to the team’s redoubled attempts to identify emerging opportunities, this account of crucial, in-the-moment decisions is a faithful record of the trading moves made in the unprecedented month of March 2020.

Discover the thinking and investment philosophy that led HonTe to survive and ultimately thrive during one of the most extraordinary challenges of our time.

Alex Gurevich is the founder and Chief Investment Officer of HonTe. After earning a PhD in mathematics from the University of Chicago, he leveraged his passion for strategic gaming into a lucrative Wall Street career.

He was hailed by the Wall Street Journal in 2003 as the star trader of J.P. Morgan, where he served as Managing Director in charge of global macro trading. The au...



  • Amnesia
    作者从2016年Brexit开始多美元&美债赌全球大萧条一直错,到2018年连亏三年不得不把现货头寸换成高杠杆的期权保持敞口,2019年中接近清盘仍然疯狂加仓,最后被预期外的covid19拯救回本并小赚20%(历时5年),然后出了这本书把自己比作the big short中的Dr.Burry。全书行文口语化,70%是各种明示暗示自己高瞻远瞩提前4年逆市扛单,20%是2020年3月期间找bid平仓的沟通文本,剩余10%对当时市场的描述是唯一有用的内容。作者是JPM的market maker后转Macro,他的无脑赌全球萧条永远宽松策略在20H1后再次亏损,22年末回撤已经30+%接近19年低点……03-21

