
Tessa is a young, brilliant barrister. She has worked her way up from working-class origins to the top of her game: defending, cross-examining and winning.

But an unexpected event forces her to confront the patriarchal power of the law, where the burden of proof and morality diverge.

Prima Facie by Suzie Miller is an award-winning play for a solo actor, taking us deep into a world where emotion and integrity are in conflict with the rules of the game.

After several acclaimed productions in Australia and winning the Australian Writers' Guild Award for Drama, the play received its European premiere at the Harold Pinter Theatre in London's West End in April 2022. It starred Jodie Comer, the Emmy and Bafta Award-winning star of TV's Killing Eve, making her West End debut.



  • neuchatel
    BRAVO. Always remember: one in three women.06-05
  • 眯眯眼的敏敏
    4.5 没想到的单人剧,第一次看独角戏剧本。女主前后身份冲突非常强烈,在等待了782天后终于迎来了自己强奸案的开庭,一场注定输掉的官司。诚然举证确实十分困难,但仍然需要有人发声,特别在现在的社会,性犯罪的成本真的太低太低了。Look to your left. Look to your right. Something has to change.希望有机会看到原版视频。07-05
  • Mumu
  • 江湖小骗子
    虽然是老生常谈的问题,但还是很痛,像是有人轻轻把我的心像掰桔子一样掰开,看剧看书都是如此。先看的剧,了解剧情,看书时,回忆被慢慢掀起,Jodie的演出,那时已然能猜到剧情走向,但是泪水泄洪般止不住的流。我还是看下去,看下去,两次都是,我不能因为害怕痛苦而忽视女性在男性构建里的系统中的被动无助和孤独。Look to your left,look to your right…..那些被遗忘或被我忽视的细节,更加触目惊心。读书没有哭了,只是看到blackout时,我像是被塞进了黑箱里。02-28
  • AddictedToOFA

