
Alex Banks and Eve Porcello are software engineers, authors, and trainers. With their company Moon Highway, they’ve taught JavaScript, Node, React, and GraphQL courses to engineers all over the world. They’ve also created videos and authored training content for O’Reilly, LinkedIn Learning, and egghead.io.


If you want to learn how to build efficient React applications, this is your book. Ideal for web developers and software engineers who understand how JavaScript, CSS, and HTML work in the browser, this updated edition provides best practices and patterns for writing modern React code. No prior knowledge of React or functional programming is necessary.

Authors Alex Banks and Eve Porcello show you how to create UIs that can deftly display changes without page reloads on large-scale data-driven websites. You’ll also discover how to work with functional programming and the latest ECMAScript features. Once you learn how to build React components with this hands-on guide, you’ll understand just how useful React can be in your organization.

Alex Banks and Eve Porcello are software engineers, authors, and trainers. With their company Moon Highway, they’ve taught JavaScript, Node, React, and GraphQL courses to engineers all over the world. They’ve also created videos and authored training content for O’Reilly, LinkedIn Learning, and egghead.io.



  • 毛呢
    sound coverage in react developments. not in details to dive. 12-21
  • 醉醉鱼♂
    有幸在最近一年接触到了React项目,只用Functional Component和Hooks。书中讲到东西,当初项目里面只是懵懵懂懂的,现在看来一目了然,真的很庆幸有这番经历,虽然我不是全职的前端工程师。打算入门React的可以直接上这本书,不要再去看什么class的语法了,直接React.FC。有好用的为什么不用?等到需要深究的时候再找找其他的资料,比如书中说道在component里面放太多的state会导致太多的渲染,尤其在长列表的时候。你就可能用useref去避免input输入框的state变化,甚至把state拆分到多个更小的component里面去。11-07
  • Geo
  • 2024
    React is an ecosystem now/some design/render/performance patterns are summarized[www.patterns.dev]03-11
  • wdpm
    这本书难度不高,是入门级别。chapter 6-9,10-11为重点内容,赶时间的可以直接读这几个章节。【优点】:代码例子接地气,大多使用github api,亲切感很足。语言朴素直白,没有废话。【缺点】(请原谅我的挑剔):配套代码仓库很多章节就是一个readme.md,代码示例全在codesandbox,需要一个一个导出到本地运行调试。部分代码存在bug,需要自行修复才能运行。总体而言,是一本很好的React入门书籍。08-14

