

The book "Hebrews to Negroes: Wake Up Black America" touches on subjects too controversial for most authors to reveal to the people. This book will expose the truths that have been hidden by the powers that be in America. Since the European and Arab slave traders stepped foot into Africa, blacks have been told lies about their heritage. This was all by Satan's design for he is the father of lies. There is an old stereotypical expression that says "If you want to hide something from a Black person, put it in a book." Well, this is THE BOOK that ALL Black people must read! Since biblical times, there has been a satanic agenda to destroy God's Chosen People. This agenda still exists today and is carried on by man in many forms. Satan knows who God's Chosen People are, but for centuries we have been blind to this knowledge even though it's been right in front of our face. After many years of research, the time has finally come for ALL Black people to know the truth. Inside Hebrews To Negroes you will find the answers to all the burning questions you have wanted ask your parents, teachers and pastors for years. It has been said that the mind has a strong drive to correct itself over a period of time if it can touch some substantial ORIGINAL historical base about itself. This time period is ending and the truth is being exposed! Is this signs of the End Times? The bible says in the last days that knowledge will increase. It also says "In the last days, saith God, I will pour out of my Spirit upon all flesh: and your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, and your young men shall see visions, and your old men shall dream dreams: " Knowledge is the TRUTH and Satan's time is running out. Don't be left behind. Find out what's really going on behind the scenes as it relates to BLACK AMERICA then and now. Afterwards you be the judge as to who God's Chosen People really are and who Satan's army is really after. AT THE END OF READING THIS BOOK, I GUARANTEE YOU WON'T REGRET IT



  • 两个司令部
    好莱坞电影里总统可以是坏的,白宫可以被炸。但犹太人一定是好的,美联储一定不能被炸。即总统不过是犹太金融家族深层政府控制的前台傀儡,美国也不过是犹太金融家族建立和控制的,用以奴役全世界的工具/平台之一。犹太不是一个种族,而是一个阶级。黄色皮肤的某蔡某马某李也都是犹太的一员。现在是一个觉醒的时代,反奴役反压迫反剥削,解放全人类!推翻资本家乐园的所谓“新世界秩序”,建立属于每个人,让每个人都是人的 人类命运共同体。10-31
  • FxxkForrest
    Stand With Kyrie11-04
  • 枫桦.
    Kyrie, I support you.10-29
  • 豆友197331534
    sound not bad10-29

