
Shortly after a breakfast generously supplied with pancakes, Natethe Great got an urgent call from Annie.

"I lost a picture," said Annie. "Can you help me find it?"

"Of course," said Nate. "I have found lost balloons, books, slippers, chickens. Even a lost goldfish. Now I, Nate the Great, will find a lost picture."

"Oh, good," Annie said.

Nate, with the cool detachment of a Sam Spade, immediately plunges into his new and baffling case. Getting all the facts, asking the right questions, narrowing down the suspects. Nate, the boy detective who "likes to work alone," solves the mystery and tracks down the culprit. In the process he also discovers the whereabouts of Super Hex, the missing cat.

From the Trade Paperback edition.



  • 狄青麟
    充满童趣 将来给我女儿读 然后我意识到 听力应该从有声书入门 因为趣味性会很强 而最合适的入门有声书其实是这种国外所谓的 桥梁书 也就是母语国家四五岁儿童看的书 对于外语学习者来说就是纯粹的磨耳朵 几乎完全排除词汇方面的障碍来练习听力 另外 母语人士5岁就将近六千词汇量了 这样来算的话 他们看的书 尤其是听的有声书 对于外语学习者来说其实也并不能算多低幼05-22
  • A里嗲
  • 吉吉
    看了20多本 挺有意思的 09-20
  • 微注小窗明
  • 豆友181082292
    有可爱的插画和剧情 还有温暖人心的op 蓝思值真的很低 hhhhhhh11-17

